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Ingite Cross Country Logo
Cross Country Logo

We dare you to run! Join the Ignite Cross Country Team as we compete in 1 to 3
mile meets/races on grass, trails, and roads; running though woods and open
country; over the hills and into the “hollers”. Feel the wind on your face, the
ground under your feet, and the adrenaline pushing you to the finish line.


              •   Youth Team (1 mile to 3K Races):

                            o  Boys & Girls

                            o  Agers 7-11


             •   Middle School Team (3K Races):

                            o  Boys & Girls

                            o  6th Grade – 8th Grade


             •   High School Team (5K Races):

                            o  Boys & Girls

                            o  9th Grade – 12th Grade


             •   2024 Registration:

                            o Online at
                            o Open May 22nd – June 1st

                            o A sports Physical will be required for all runners
                            o R
egistration Fee - $120 per runner (No Uniform Needed)

                            o Registration Fee - $150 per runner (Nee New Uniform)

                            o Parent & Athlete Info/Team Meeting & Evening Jog on June 3rd, 6:00pm at                                        the Stevens’ Residence 253 CAM Drive, Scott Depot


             •   What to Expect:

                            o  Season will run from August through the first week of November,
                            o  Practices begin on Saturday, August 3rd at Valley Park in Hurricane

                            o  Meets will be held mostly on Tuesday evenings

                                 and Saturday mornings

                            o All meets will run MS & HS on the same day, and most will have a
                                Youth team race as well
                            o We will do a National Homeschool/Private School Championship
                                Meet in Nashville, at the Hermitage, that will be open for Youth,
                                Middle School & High School
                            o Two team practices per week
                                    • Tuesday – 6:15 pm to 8:00 pm
                                    • Saturday – 9:00 am to 10:45 am
                                    • We will practice at Valley Park in Hurricane
                             o Three to Four individual practices per week
                                    • To be run on your own & reported when complete
                                    • Workouts will be posted to our Final Surge app by Coach Blake 

                                    • Individual Summer workouts will be required, starting on June 3rd. It will                                          be expected that all runners have put in the summer work to be                                                          conditioned to begin the season. This is to prevent injury and to allow                                                each athlete to complete the workouts.




Coach Blake Stevens calls Putnam County West Virginia home, but was born and raised in Texas where he competed in football, basketball, baseball, track and tennis throughout middle school and high school. Blake went on to play football at Wheaton College, where he was a three time All-Conference defensive back and named defensive MVP his senior year. After college and prior to moving to West Virginia he founded and ran summer sports camps focused on speed, strength and conditioning in Texas and West Virginia. Blake now enjoys competing in 5k races, as well as, running and training with his 3 homeschool children. He has been the head coach for Ignite Cross Country since 2019.


Coach Amber Stevens is a West Virginia native who has been running competitively since
middle school and was a High School State Qualifier in track & field, as well as, cross country.
Amber went on to run cross country and track at Wheaton College, and graduated with a
Bachelor’s of Science in Kinesiology (the study of the mechanics of body movement). After
college she became a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, and for a while used her skills/knowledge as a personal trainer and working alongside Blake at their sports camps.
Now a homeschool mom and trainer of 3 children, Amber continues to be an active learner
and teacher, daily training her children spiritually, mentally and physically. She has been the
head assistant coach for Ignite Cross Country since 2019.

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